Company Update – COVID-19

We are writing to update you on the company’s position during these times of uncertainty.
We like to reassure you that in the event of a lock-down by the Government we have procedures in place to answer emails and telephone calls, should any of our clients or tenants have any queries or concerns. We also have tradesmen in place in the event of any emergency during this period.
Should you need to contact us please use the normal telephone numbers and email addresses and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible. In the event of a lock-down we have arranged for telephones and emails to be accessed remotely. The below mobile numbers can be used in the event of an emergency.
Berwick Office: 01289 307571 or 07392 808 764
Berwick Email: [email protected]
Wooler Office: 01668 281819 or 07493 722 128
Wooler Email: [email protected]
Our staff are here to help and support you as much as they can during this period, therefore, should you have any major concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. As you will appreciate with the current situation, we are extremely busy; however we will endeavour to respond as quickly as we can.
Take Care & Stay Safe